PIPS student profile

Kristine Bagdassarian

Department of Biosciences Durham University Stockton Road Durham DH1 3LE

PIPS Internship Organisation Name

FindAUniversity Ltd.



When deciding on your internship, what did you want to experience and what did you hope to gain from that experience?

I wanted to learn about writing on a digital platform, as well as handling software and researching content.  I learned about all this, in addition to many other skills, including basic HTML, evaluating content and success of published material, how to research keywords.

Did you get the experience you were expecting and did you achieve the personal development you had hoped to make?

Yes I did.

Did you discover anything about yourself or make any achievements that you were not expecting? 

I discovered that I enjoy writing even more than I thought and that structure and logical thinking are a major part of creating content.

Has the internship made you feel differently about potential career options and has it helped to put the skills from research into a broader context?

I feel much more confident in my writing abilities. I am now able to consider publishing as a future career option and provide a portfolio of actual work.

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